Singing Lessons


  • Baroque
  • Classical
  • Other styles such as Pop or Jazz in individual cases
  • Vocal coaching
  • Singing technique

I have been working as a singing/music teacher and vocal trainer for more than 15 years; since May 2019 I am also a voice therapist. According to my own experience, the musicality of each student increases taking care of his specific needs in a friendly and relaxed way.
A healthy and precise vocal technique allows everybody, regardless of age and musical level, to develop his natural voice and express his own personality.
The breathing and relaxation exercises I use are taken from the “Atemtherapie nach Ilse Middendorf “ (Breath Therapy according to Ilse Middendorf) and Quigong. I also give vent to my own creativity: in my lessons it can be normal to lay down, move and declaim.
The training of the speaking voice sharpens the articulation, the growing body awareness improves the posture and the presence overall. Let yourselves be surprised from the growing possibilities of your own voice! Not only it will gain flexibility and strength, but also volume and homogeneity (no more difference between chest and head voice).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 I love working with children older than 6 too and they also have a lot of fun with me!

I can’t wait to meeting you!

Prices: Trial Lesson from 15€, Regular lesson from 35€
Teaching Location : Berlin Moabit, 10559.

My pupils say…

While in Berlin as an Erasmus student I was looking for singing lessons in English. Cecilia helped me overcome my problems with breathing and helped me to discover my resonances. Now I feel more confident singing my own songs.
Famke J.

I really appreciate the way Cecilia cares about my musical taste.
I have been looking for a teacher who lets me sing English Baroque music – which i am very passionate about – for a long time. Cecilia even transcribes the arias I am going to sing for me!
Juliane D.

My daughter has been taking singing and music lessons in Italian from Cecilia for 4 years now. She is always happy and relaxed at the end of every lesson!
Alice R.

I have turned to Cecilia to solve some technical problems before going on tour with my band. I left feeling more prepared and with a repertoire of exercises for every occasion.
Pietro B.

I studied with Cecilia while I was busy with my choir: we usually went through the scores and I studied my parts so that I could gain confidence. It´s been an experience that enriched me both personally and vocally.
Maria P.